
Easy tips to design effective banners

Think of any trade show and you will recall thousands of banners around the hall. Banners  are the most effective way to communicate at seminars, events, trade shows, conferences, streets, railway stations etc. These are your answer if you wish to reach out to hundreds to people with creative designs. They can be places at strategic locations to widen your brand awareness, beautify your store or simple, to lure more people to your business. Designing banners in an effective way is the key to success.

Banners are best suited if you wish to provide information about a new product or a new service with the aid of designs. Bright and alluring designs with eye-catching tag lines will pull thousands of people to your business and generate a fortune for you.

Since they are so big and attention grabbing, it is almost impossible to forget them. Sometimes, your product may get recognized because of the attractive banners that you had displayed.

Since, these attract the attention of masses easily, let’s look at few tips that one must keep in mind while designing these weapons of mass attention.

Tips to designing an effective banner

  • Keep in mind the company’s image

Plainly put- the banner is an extension of your company’s image. Thus, it must affirm to the company’s image, branding, products and reputation. The banner must incorporate all those special components that one wishes the masses to know.

  • Colors

Choose the colours wisely. The banner must incorporate the company’s signature colours. If the banner is too be placed inside, it is advisable not to use too many colours as it may distract the customers. However, if you wish to place the banners outside or in the sun, maintain a balance of pastels and bright colours. Using too many bright colours may annoy your customers as it may hurt their eye under the sun.

  • Readability

Banners are no good if one is unable to read what’s written on them. Hence, choosing the right font size and type of font is as essential as revenue for the company. Do not use many big, bold texts. Maintain a delicate balance of attention seeking fonts and reading fonts. Also, using too fancy or flowering, dark illegible fonts may cause more harm than thought. Allot essential spaces and delete the irrelevant information from the content.

  • Printing format

Understanding the target audiences and their needs is pivotal. Accordingly, decide if you wish to print a horizontal banner or a vertical banner. The easiest way to decide on this is knowing where you would want to put up the banner in the event. Vertical banners require stands and are best when there is lesser space for the banner to be put up. Horizontal banners as the best bet when there is good space for you to use and you want to grab the attention of people from a distance.

  • Choose the layout shape

Content is as important as the colours on the banners. If you have long sentences to be written, shorter banners are your answers. If you have short text and a number of images, large banners are your solution.

  • Focus

You need to decide upon that one special element. Adding too much information and/ or images will only be detrimental. You need to focus on one image, on slogan or one thing that you want to convey. Not only will this make a huge impact, it will lure more people to reach out to you to satiate their curiosity.

  • Keep it simple

To strengthen your impact, design a simple banner. Sure, a more elaborated banner will attract more attention, but you definitely do not want this sort of attention. You want people to focus on your company or your product, not on the banner itself.

Effective banners will make or break your point. You do not have to be an expert to design banners; all you need to do it so know the basics. Your aim is not to create beautiful banners for decorations, but creating banners that are useful and informative.

At Inkprint, we print excellent banners at affordable prices. Our printing quality is above exceptional and we thrive to deliver satisfaction. Connect with us to know more.